Electric scooters that shut down when mounting pavements approved for use in Britain
Electric scooters that automatically shut down when mounting pavements approved for use in Britain
With every technological advancement, the ability to regulate gets easier and easier. In this instance, an American designed eScooter model from Link, designed to cut power whenever entering prohibited zones, including pavements; recently authorised for nationwide use. Despite public backlash, in July the government voted in favour of limited legislation regarding eScooters. However, this already begs the question, who decides where & when a zone is prohibited; and how is the rider to know?
Single-second shut down
For starters the scooter always knows, as mapping data downloads directly onto the eScooter, without requiring the use of GPS. As it stands, current eScooters in the UK currently take up to 30 seconds to deactivate, allowing quite the head-start. As a general rule, these prohibited zones are generally high pedestrian traffic areas, such as footpaths and shopping centres; with the eScooter fully disabled within a second of leaving the approved road/cycle lane or private land in which it’s legally acceptable to use. This single-second shutdown, cited as the fastest of its type, results in a major jump in efficiency; especially seeing as previous models were taking up to 30 seconds to deactivate.
Link claims that its technology factors local GPD inaccuracies, instead loading all the data into the scooter & eliminating any processing lag. The change comes with the hope that this new feature will discourage antisocial behavioural use regarding eScooters in Britain. Currently, Link is bidding in hopes of renting these scooters through two schemes in London, Portsmouth, Southampton & the Isle of Wight. A number of protective measures are also in place, ensuring that these scooters never shut down unsafely, such as at a junction. Furthermore, new legislation requires all roadside eScooters must be hired from licensed rental companies, ensuring they meet specifications & design standards.
Slow & steady progress
Alongside this, these electric scooters have a maximum speed of 15.5 mp/h, reserved for use on low-speed roads and bike lanes only; remaining banned in pedestrian areas. Another thing challenging this initiative are the riders themselves. In Middlesbrough, two teenagers were spotted using an electric scooter along 70 mp/h roads. A shopping centre in the area has resorted to displaying warning signs, due to shoppers receiving harassment from riders.
Whilst MPs at the Commons transport committee appear all on board to legalise eScooters nationwide, they have also agreed enforcement is required; in order to prevent antisocial behaviour. How do you feel about these regulations, are they keeping the peace or infringing on rights? Feel free to comment and let us know! Alternatively, discover our selection of hoverboard, electric skateboards, eBike & eScooter reviews here.